Angelina Wang


Postdoctoral Fellow
Stanford University

Publications | CV

I will start as an Assistant Professor in Information Science at Cornell Tech in Summer 2025, and will be admitting PhD students this coming admissions cycle. Currently I am a postdoc at Stanford HAI and RegLab working with Sanmi Koyejo and Daniel Ho.

My research interests are in machine learning fairness and algorithmic bias. This problem requires a combination of technical and social considerations, and I work on grounding technical fairness work in the relevant social concerns. My research statement. Some themes I am interested in include evaluation (e.g., ICML 2021, FAccT 2022, AAAI 2023), responsible AI concerns in the world (e.g., JRC 2023, FAccT 2024, draft 2024), and thinking about fairness through a more socially-grounded lens (e.g., FAccT 2022, draft 2024).

I completed my PhD in Computer Science at Princeton University, advised by Olga Russakovsky. I received the NSF GRFP, EECS Rising Stars, Siebel Scholarship, and Microsoft AI & Society Fellowship. Previously, I have interned with Microsoft Research and Arthur AI, and received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UC Berkeley.